
The Elements of Teaching James M. Banner, ISBN-13: 978-0300069297

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The Elements of Teaching by James M. Banner, ISBN-13: 978-0300069297

[PDF eBook eTextbook]

  • Publisher: ‎ Yale University Press; 1st edition (March 27, 1997)
  • Language: ‎ English
  • 160 pages
  • ISBN-10: ‎ 9780300069297
  • ISBN-13: ‎ 978-0300069297

The Elements of Teaching is a true classic”

What are the characteristics of a great teacher? What qualities of mind and spirit are necessary to help others acquire the knowledge through which they can understand and live a good life? In this book, James Banner and Harold Cannon draw on many years of experience to set forth the intellectual, moral, and emotional capacities that they believe the best teachers must possess. Their book is an inspiring guide to current and future schoolteachers and to college and university professors – indeed to everyone who teaches anything to anyone else.

Arguing that teaching is an art, Banner and Cannon help teachers understand its components. They analyze the specific qualities of successful teachers and the ways in which these qualities promote learning and understanding. Throughout, they illustrate their discussion with sharply etched portraits of fictional teachers who exemplify – or fail to exemplify – a particular quality. Neither a how-to book nor a consideration of the philosophy, methods, or activities of teaching, this book, more precisely, assesses what it takes to teach. It encourages teachers to consider how they might strengthen their own level of professional performance.

James M. Banner, Jr., is an independent scholar, writer, teacher, association director, and book publisher.

Harold C. Cannon, now retired, was division director at the National Endowment for the Humanities.

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