
Student Development in College: Theory, Research, and Practice 3rd Edition Lori D. Patton, ISBN-13: 978-1118821817

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Student Development in College: Theory, Research, and Practice 3rd Edition by Lori D. Patton, ISBN-13: 978-1118821817

[PDF eBook eTextbook]

  • Publisher: ‎ Jossey-Bass; 3rd edition (February 29, 2016)
  • Language: ‎ English
  • 560 pages
  • ISBN-10: ‎ 1118821815
  • ISBN-13: ‎ 978-1118821817


Student Development in College is the go-to resource for student affairs, and is considered a key reference for those most committed to conscious and intentional student affairs practice. This third edition includes new chapters on social class, disability, and emerging identity theories, with expanded coverage of faith and gender identity. A new framework provides guidance for facilitating dialogues about theory, teaching theory, and the importance of educators as consumers of theory. Discussion questions conclude each chapter and vignettes are woven throughout to provide practical context for theory. Learning activities in the appendix promote comprehension and application of theory.

  • Get updated on the latest in student development theory and application
  • Consider both the psychosocial and cognitive aspects of identity
  • Learn strategies for difficult dialogues, and the importance of reflection
  • Adopt an integrated, holistic approach to complex student development issues

Student Development in College is the ideal resource for today’s multifaceted student affairs role.

Table of Contents:

Figures and Exhibits ix

About the Authors xi

Acknowledgments xv

Preface xix

Part One: Understanding, Using, and Translating Student Development Theory 1

1 An Introduction to Student Development Theory 5

2 Foundations for Understanding Student Development Theory 19

3 Using Student Development Theory 51

Part Two: Social Identity Development 65

4 Social Identity: Concepts and Overview 71

5 Racial Identity Development 93

6 Ethnic Identity Development and Acculturation 129

7 Sexual Identity Development 156

8 Gender and Gender Identity Development 175i Contents

9 Development of Faith and Spirituality 196

10 Disability Identities and Identity Development 230

11 Social Class and Identity 243

12 Emerging Theoretical Perspectives on Student Experiences and Identities 265

Part Three: Psychosocial, Cognitive-Structural, and Integrative Development 281

13 Psychosocial Identity Development 287

14 Epistemological and Intellectual Development 314

15 Moral Development 336

16 Development of Self-Authorship 355

Part Four: Reflecting on Theory to Practice 379

17 Student Affairs Educators as Partners in Using Student Development Theory 383

18 Implications and Future Directions for Practice, Research, and Theory Development 397

Afterword 409

Appendix: Case Study Scenario: Introducing Prescott University’s Selected SAHE Graduate Students 411

References 433

Index 505

LORI D. PATTON is an associate professor in the higher education and student affairs program at Indiana University.

KRISTEN A. RENN is a professor of higher, adult, and lifelong education at Michigan State University.

FLORENCE M. GUIDO is a professor of higher education and student affairs leadership at the University of Northern Colorado.

STEPHEN JOHN QUAYE is an associate professor in the student affairs in higher education program at Miami University.

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