
A Lawyer Writes: A Practical Guide to Legal Analysis (3rd Edition) – eBook PDF

eBook details

  • Authors: Christine Coughlin, Joan Malmud Rocklin, Sandy Patrick
  • File Size: 6 MB
  • Format: PDF
  • Length: 634 Pages
  • Publisher: Carolina Academic Press; 3rd edition
  • Publication Date: July 1, 2018
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1531008763, 1531008771
  • ISBN-13: 9781531008765, 9781531008772

Original price was: $48.00.Current price is: $10.00.

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A Lawyer Writes: A Practical Guide to Legal Analysis (3rd Edition) – eBook PDF

This new 3rd edition of the best-selling textbook teaches the foundational principles of critical reading, analysis, and writing in an accessible and clear way. By placing the reader in the place of a first-year attorney, the ebook shows law students how to be successful in law school and in the practice of law. Using graphics and different effective and uncertain examples to illustrate concepts, the ebook demonstrates best practices in both electronic and traditional environments. Speaking to its readers in a forthright manner, A Lawyer Writes, 3rd Edition, (PDF) communicates vital skills and theories so that they will be remembered for a lifetime of legal practice.

A Lawyer Writes 3e preserves the original concepts from the prior edition while refining content to reflect current practices. Chapter 18, “Professional Emails,” not only talks about the form and substance of electronic communication but now includes new material on how to communicate analysis effectively in email. Chapter 19, “The Transition from Objective to Persuasive Writing,” has been restructured and revised to highlight effective strategies for drafting persuasive analysis. Revisions in other chapters restructure and update the original content by expanding on or clarifying ideas.


A Lawyer Writes 3e is the ideal ebook for the first semester of Legal Writing. It explains the foundations of legal reasoning, shows those foundations with practical examples, and is an exemplary type of its own lessons about good legal writing.” — Steve Johansen, Professor of Law, Lewis & Clark Law School

A Lawyer Writes made a huge difference in my teaching this year.  The ebook explains concisely the expectations of lawyers related to the organization of legal analysis and then explicitly demonstrates law students how to meet those expectations.  The numerous examples are a great complement to the accessible and clear textbook.” — Suzanne Rowe, Luvaas Faculty Fellow 2008-09, Director, Legal Research and Writing, Associate Professor of Law, University of Oregon

One of the best parts of A Lawyer Writes is its chapter describing rules. After my pupils read that chapter, they really seemed to comprehend the concept that rules can be defined implicitly in the cases and that it was their job to make those rules clear for their readers. The ebook also provides a number of excellent, easy-to-understand examples in each chapter, which the students found very useful.” — Alison Julien, Associate Professor of Legal Writing, Marquette University Law School

Chapter 2 gives one of the best clarifications of the U.S. federal court system I have seen, not only giving numerous pages over to discussing hierarchy and jurisdiction but also looking meticulously at the meaning of stare decisis and the effect it has on the “why” of gathering case law. … If you are a firm librarian in charge of the next attorney orientation or a law librarian in a law school and are asked for an ebook that will assist a new attorney on the first day, this is a good ebook to consider handing to them. The ebook, although demanding careful reading, rewards the reader with understanding, and has several tools and helpful information that will assist anyone gets a better understanding on legal analysis and the place it has in legal research.” — Emily J. Flanigan, Law Library Journal Vol. 111:2

NOTE: The product only includes the ebook, A Lawyer Writes 3rd Edition in PDF. No access codes are included.



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