
Higher Education and Human Capital: Re/Thinking the Doctorate in America, ISBN-13: 978-9460914164

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Higher Education and Human Capital: Re/Thinking the Doctorate in America, ISBN-13: 978-9460914164

[PDF eBook eTextbook]

  • Publisher: ‎ Sense Publishers (March 18, 2011)
  • Language: ‎ English
  • 242 pages
  • ISBN-10: ‎ 9460914160
  • ISBN-13: ‎ 978-9460914164

This book attempts to re-imagine the purpose of the doctorate, which has historically been used to prepare leaders who will work to improve the sciences (social and physical), humanities, and professions, while articulating curriculum as a living shape where students, faculty, and institution melded in a humanist and creative process. This idea, seriously eroded by the explosion in doctoral degrees between the early 1970s (20,000 doctorate per year) and last year (to over 46,000)-and an explosion in doctoral and research universities that has created a crossroads for the doctorate in America. We believe the value of a doctorate is Intellectual Capital, and are particularly interested in encouraging reflection as an important characteristic of a successful quality doctoral program. We posit that a “good doctoral” experience fosters active engagement in reflection on all elements of our work-the intellectual, advisory, and pedagogical work of faculty, curricular opportunities, as well as the intellectual of the doctoral candidates through an avocation that drives research and theory in our fields. Specific issues raised in this edited volume include comprehensive analysis of programs, rethinking evaluation and programmatic coherence, doctoral degrees beyond the discipline, subject, and field, and implications of individual identity. Along with authors’ chapters, we paid attention to encourage reflection as an important characteristic of a quality doctoral program; positing that “good doctoral” experiences foster active engagement in reflection on all elements of the doctoral experience, including program and curricular issues, personal relationships, work, and the creation of a community of scholars.

David M. Callejo Pérez is the Associate Provost at Saginaw Valley State University (SVSU). He was previously the Carl A. Gerstacker Endowed Chair in Education and Chair, Human Subjects Institutional Review Board at SVSU. He has authored books on Civil Rights in the South, Urban Schools and Higher Education, over 100 peer-reviewed articles and refereed academic papers. He is also a member of several National and Regional Advisory Boards and journals in the field of education. David was the director of the Doctoral Program in Curriculum Studies at West Virginia University prior to coming to SVSU, past-President of the American Association for Teaching and Curriculum, a member and Factotum (2012) of the Society for Professors of Curriculum, and a Research Fellow at several Centers. David has authored White Papers, Technical Reports, and Evaluations for school districts, universities, communities, and companies. His most recent books are titled Higher Education and Human Capital: Re/thinking the Doctorate in America and The Red Light in the Ivory Tower: Contexts and Implications of Entrepreneurial Education. He has also worked with over $8 million in evaluation and curriculum development projects on human systems in the US abroad, including México and the Middle East.

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