
The Handbook of the History and Philosophy of Criminology, ISBN-13: 978-1119011354

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The Handbook of the History and Philosophy of Criminology, ISBN-13: 978-1119011354
[PDF eBook eTextbook]

Series: Wiley Handbooks in Criminology and Criminal Justice
488 pages
Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell; 1 edition (January 4, 2018)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1119011353
ISBN-13: 978-1119011354

Featuring contributions by distinguished scholars from ten countries, The Wiley Handbook of the History and Philosophy of Criminology provides students, scholars, and criminologists with a truly a global perspective on the theory and practice of criminology throughout the centuries and around the world. In addition to chapters devoted to the key ideas, thinkers, and moments in the intellectual and philosophical history of criminology, it features in-depth coverage of the organizational structure of criminology as an academic discipline world-wide.

The first section focuses on key ideas that have shaped the field in the past, are shaping it in the present, and are likely to influence its evolution in the foreseeable future. Beginning with early precursors to criminology’s emergence as a unique discipline, the authors trace the evolution of the field, from the pioneering work of 17th century Italian jurist/philosopher, Cesare Beccaria, up through the latest sociological and biosocial trends.

In the second section authors address the structure of criminology as an academic discipline in countries around the globe, including in North America, South America, Europe, East Asia, and Australia.

With contributions by leading thinkers whose work has been instrumental in the development of criminology and emerging voices on the cutting edge The Wiley Handbook of the History and Philosophy of Criminology provides valuable insights in the latest research trends in the field world-wide – the ideal reference for criminologists as well as those studying in the field and related social science and humanities disciplines.

About the Author

Ruth Ann Triplett, PhD is Professor in the Department of Sociology and Criminal Justice of Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia, USA. Her research interests include testing and developing social disorganization theory, policing and community satisfaction, and, most recently, uncovering and expanding the use of symbolic interactionism in criminological theory. Her articles have appeared in numerous publications, including Deviant Behavior, Journal of Criminal Justice, Policing, Justice Quarterly, and Journal of Crime and Justice.

Table of contents

Notes on Contributors x

Introduction 1
Ruth Ann Triplett

Part I Key Ideas, Thinkers, and Moments 13

Section 1 Precursors to Criminology as an Academic Discipline 15

1 Criminal Entryways in the Writing of Cesare Beccaria 17
Matthew P. Unger, Jean Philippe Crete, and George Pavlich

2 Researching Crime and Criminals in the 19th Century 32
Peter Becker

Section 2 Europe and the Founding of Criminology 49

3 Laughing at Lombroso: Positivism and Criminal Anthropology in Historical Perspective 51
Paul Knepper

4 Criminology in 19th Century France: Mainstays of the French “Environmental” Tradition 67
Bruce DiCristina

5 Conflict and Crime: Marx, Engels, Marxist/Radical Criminology, and the Explanation of Crime 84
Michael J. Lynch

Section 3 Developing the Theoretical Foundation 103

6 The Extensive Legacy of Symbolic Interactionism in Criminology 105
Jeffery T. Ulmer

7 The Chicago School and Criminology 123
Wim Hardyns and Lieven J. R. Pauwels

8 Anomie, Strain, and Opportunity Structure: Robert K. Merton’s Paradigm of Deviant Behavior 140
Mathieu Deflem

9 Differential Association, Differential Social Organization, and White Collar Crime: Sutherland Defines the Field 156
John M. Eassey and Marvin D. Krohn

10 The Foundation and Reemergence of Classical Thought in Criminological Theory: A Brief Philosophical History 173
Ray Paternoster and Daren Fisher

11 Crime, Deviance, and Social Control: Travis Hirschi and His Legacy 189
Cesar J. Rebellon and Paul Anskat

Section 4 Critique and Response 207

12 The Berkeley School of Criminology: The Intellectual Roots and Legacies 209
Randolph R. Myers and Tim Goddard

13 Let Fury Have the Hour: The Radical Turn in British Criminology 222
Travis Linnemann and Kyra A. Martinez

14 Three Strikes and You’re Out: A Short but Modern History of Biosocial Criminology 237
John Paul Wright, Kevin M. Beaver, Jamie M. Gajos, and Catherine Sacarellos

15 Western Feminist Criminologies: Critiquing “Malestream” Criminology and Beyond 255
Kaitlyn J. Selman and Molly Dunn

16 Criminalizing Race, Racializing Crime: Assessing the Discipline of Criminology through a Historical Lens 272
Kideste Wilder Yusef and Tseleq Yusef

17 Shaming, Reintegration, and Restorative Justice: Braithwaite in Australia, New Zealand, and around the Globe 289
Hee Joo Kim and Jurg Gerber

Part II Criminology across the Globe: The Organization and Structure of Criminology as an Academic Discipline 307

18 Criminology in Argentina, 1870–1960 309
Ricardo D. Salvatore

19 Criminology in Australia: A Global South Perspective 321
Elaine Fishwick and Marinella Marmo

20 Criminology in Belgium: Crossing Borders, Reaching out Globally 334
Tom Daems and Stephan Parmentier

21 Criminology in Brazil: Beyond “Made in the North” Criminological Narratives 345
Fernanda Fonseca Rosenblatt and Marília Montenegro Pessoa de Mello

22 Criminology in Canada: The Context of Its Criminology 360
Paul Brantingham, Patricia Brantingham, and Bryan Kinney

23 Criminology in China 377
Bill Hebenton and Susyan Jou

24 Criminology in Germany and the Gesamte Strafrechtswissenschaft 392
Kirstin Drenkhahn

25 Criminology in Lithuania: Restoring Paradigms 406
Aleksandras Dobryninas

26 Criminology in Russia: From Criminal Law to Sociolegal Inquiry 422
Olga Semukhina

27 Criminology in the United States: Contexts, Institutions, and Knowledge in Flux 437
Joachim J. Savelsberg

Index 453

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