
Visible Learning for Teachers: Maximizing Impact on Learning 1st Edition John Hattie, ISBN-13: 978-0415690157

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Visible Learning for Teachers: Maximizing Impact on Learning 1st Edition by John Hattie, ISBN-13: 978-0415690157

[PDF eBook eTextbook]

  • Publisher: ‎ Routledge; 1st edition (December 17, 2012)
  • Language: ‎ English
  • 296 pages
  • ISBN-10: ‎ 0415690153
  • ISBN-13: ‎ 978-0415690157

In November 2008, John Hattie’s ground-breaking book Visible Learning synthesised the results of more than fifteen years research involving millions of students and represented the biggest ever collection of evidence-based research into what actually works in schools to improve learning.

Visible Learning for Teachers takes the next step and brings those ground breaking concepts to a completely new audience. Written for students, pre-service and in-service teachers, it explains how to apply the principles of Visible Learning to any classroom anywhere in the world. The author offers concise and user-friendly summaries of the most successful interventions and offers practical step-by-step guidance to the successful implementation of visible learning and visible teaching in the classroom.

This book:

  • links the biggest ever research project on teaching strategies to practical classroom implementation
  • champions both teacher and student perspectives and contains step by step guidance including lesson preparation, interpreting learning and feedback during the lesson and post lesson follow up
  • offers checklists, exercises, case studies and best practice scenarios to assist in raising achievement
  • includes whole school checklists and advice for school leaders on facilitating visible learning in their institution
  • now includes additional meta-analyses bringing the total cited within the research to over 900
  • comprehensively covers numerous areas of learning activity including pupil motivation, curriculum, meta-cognitive strategies, behaviour, teaching strategies, and classroom management.

Visible Learning for Teachers is a must read for any student or teacher who wants an evidence based answer to the question; ‘how do we maximise achievement in our schools?’

Table of Contents:

Preface Chapter 1. Visible learning inside Part A: The source of ideas and the role of teachers Chapter 2. The source of the ideas Chapter 3. Teachers: The major players in the education process Part B: The lessons Chapter 4. Preparing the lesson Chapter 5. Starting the lesson Chapter 6. During the lesson – learning Chapter 7. During the lesson – feedback Chapter 8. End of the lesson Part C: Mind frames Chapter 9. Mind frames of teachers, school leaders, and systems References Appendix A. The Visible Learning Checklist Appendix B. The 800 meta-analyses Appendix C. A list of influences on achievement Appendix D. Rankings and effect-sizes of program influences from Exercises Appendix E. Calculating effect sizes Appendix F. The Irving Student Evaluation of teaching scale

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