
Bitcoin and Blockchain Security, ISBN-13: 978-1630810139

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Bitcoin and Blockchain Security by Ghassan Karame, ISBN-13: 978-1630810139
[PDF eBook eTextbook]

218 pages
Publisher: Artech House (September 1, 2016)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 9781630810139
ISBN-13: 978-1630810139

There is a lot of buzz about Bitcoin and Blockchain lately, our expert authors will help to answer some imperative questions about the security involved in this new digital asset and ledger. This comprehensive new resource presents a thorough overview and analysis of the security and privacy provisions of Bitcoin and its underlying blockchain clients. This book goes beyond the analysis of reported vulnerabilities of Bitcoin, evaluating a number of countermeasures to deter threats on the system. Readers are given concrete solutions and recommendations on the best practices to use when relying on Bitcoin as a payment method. This resource provides a clear explanation of assumptions governing the security of Bitcoin, including the scalability measures adopted in Bitcoin, privacy for clients, and the proper means of securing Bitcoin wallets. Readers learn how the security and privacy provisions of other blockchain technologies compare to Bitcoin and the security lessons learned after extensive research of Bitcoin since the inception of the currency.

Table of contents:

Background on Digital Payments; Security of Transactions in Bitcoin; Privacy in Bitcoin; Lightweight Clients and Simple Payment Verification in Bitcoin; The limits of De-centralization of Bitcoin; Applications and Extensions of Bitcoin; Blockchain Beyond Bitcoin.


Bitcoin and Blockchain Security joins others in the ‘Information Security and Privacy’ series and answers basic questions about the security involved in managing Bitcoin, reviewing prior provisions and it underlying blockchain clients. The assumptions surrounding Bitcoin’s applications and privacy issues, means of securing Bitcoin wallets, and implementing ZeroCash, ZeroCoin and more considerations are given technical coverage, including privacy-preserving requirements and proposals to improve Bitcoin. The result is a technical survey packed with security protocols and insights specific to Bitcoin’s unique commerce environment and applications a ‘must’ for any IT managers working with Bitcoin frameworks. –The Technology Shelf, Midwest Book Review

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