
Modern Mathematical Statistics with Applications (2nd Edition) – eBook PDF

eBook details

  • Authors: Jay L. Devore, Kenneth N. Berk
  • File Size: 14 MB
  • Format: PDF
  • Length: 859 pages
  • Publisher: Springer; 2nd Edition
  • Publication Date: December 7, 2011
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1461403901, 1493942212
  • ISBN-13: 9781461403906, 9781493942213

Original price was: $95.59.Current price is: $10.00.

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Modern Mathematical Statistics with Applications (2nd Edition) – eBook PDF

Modern Mathematical Statistics with Applications, 2nd Edition, (PDF) strikes a balance between mathematical foundations and statistical practice. In keeping with the commendation that every math student should study statistics and probability with a focus on data analysis, accomplished authors Kenneth Berk and Jay Devore make statistical concepts and methods relevant and clear through careful explanations and a wide range of applications involving real data.

The main focus of the ebook is on presenting and illustrating methods of inferential statistics that are helpful in research. It starts with a chapter on descriptive statistics that instantly exposes the reader to real data. The subsequent six chapters develop the probability material that links the gap between inferential and descriptive statistics.  Point estimation, inferences grounded on statistical intervals, and hypothesis testing are then introduced in the following three chapters. The remainder of the ebook explores the use of this methodology in a variety of more complicated settings.

This latest 2nd edition includes a wealth of new exercises, a number of which are alike what would be met on the actuarial exams that cover probability and statistics. Representative applications contain investigating whether the average tip percentage in a particular restaurant exceeds the standard 15%, considering whether the aroma and flavor of Champagne are affected by bottle temperature or type of pour, demonstrating the relationship between college graduation rate and average SAT score, and evaluating the probability of O-ring failure in space shuttle launches as related to launch temperature.


The textbook by Berk and Devore is a worthy entry into the collection of texts designed for the typical undergraduate mathematical statistics course … there is more than adequate material in the ebook for a one-year course. … the ebook would be a very solid choice for a year-long mathematical statistics course.” — R. T. Smythe, Mathematical Reviews, December, 2014

The writers made a good revision in this edition. The format is regular, however, it showcases many statistical ideas in a simple manner, for a smooth grasp of the material. The chapters are well organized, presented, and motivated. The main strength of the ebook is that it still provides an ample number of worked examples that are based on real datasets emerging from a number of fields. It is a good nominee for adoption as a textbook for a senior-level undergraduate course.” — Ahmed, Technometrics, November, 2014

NOTE: The product only includes the ebook, Modern Mathematical Statistics with Applications, 2nd Edition in PDF. No access codes are included.


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